Yakima Covenant Staff

Meet our staff at Yakima Covenant Church. Our hardworking staff is a family and are committed to putting Jesus at the center of all they do at home, work, and in the community.

  • Dean Nelson - Senior Pastor

    Email: dean@yakimacovenant.org

  • Josh Cavallo - Worship Pastor

    Email: josh@yakimacovenant.org

  • Thomas Sudbury, Creative Arts/Children's Pastor

    Email: thomas@yakimacovenant.org

  • Denise Syverson - Office Manager

    Email: denise@yakimacovenant.org

  • Clarence Leach - Custodian

    Contact: 966-1900

  • Megan Jevne- Preschool Director

    Email: megan@yakimacovenant.org

  • Jenifer Knight - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for Orange and Green Class (3 and 4 year olds)

  • Tami Abel - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for Orange and Green Class (3 and 4 year olds)

  • TBD- Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for PK Red Class

  • Monica Johnson - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for PK Red Class

  • Cami Davis - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for PK Purple Class

  • Mandye Kephart - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for PK Purple Class

  • Alison Althauser - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teacher for PK Blue Class

  • Cassie Castle - Preschool Teacher

    Co-Teachers for PK Blue Class